48" x 48"
Oil and mixed media on Canvas
Everything is essentially neutral- we dictate our experience with our responses/reactions. Neutrality doesn’t mean apathy. There is such deep love in this approach, because it is a love without attachment to outcomes and without conditions. It is a love of our fate, of deep trust and acceptance of the situations that we are facing and choosing to approach them with loving curiosity.
This is when free will comes in. We decide- do we adopt even more suffering by resisting? Or do we transform, evolve and free ourselves by understanding that absolutely everything has a divine purpose? That absolutely everything, especially the painful parts, the parts that cause us resistance, is a teacher that appears so we find our way to our own light and shine even brighter. What is on the other side of that resistance? Of that need to control an outcome? Of that grasping tightly? Can we approach that space with love, as if it were a scared child needing our understanding? How beautiful the world can be when we approach life this way. You are so held. But you decide if you see how held you are, or if you convince yourself that you are a victim, that everyone is out to get you, and that you are alone.
Love your fate by acting on your free will to see everything as a gift. You are a fractal of creation.
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